Monday, November 30, 2009


I'm starting a X-mas challenge! The holidays are quickly approaching and a lot of us have several different emotions connected to this specific event. We have sometimes forgotten the real meaning with the holidays. It's not about spending ridiculous amount of money on presents. And it's definitely not about all that food, binge-eating, being immobile and swelled up afterward, then feeling anxiety and guilt for stuffing yourself beyond recognition...

I am doing my own X-mas challenge this year and it would be great fun if you could join me. Whatever your goal might be, it would be awesome to share the experience. My own goal is to tone up my muscle definition and get even fitter cardiovascularly, but mainly, instead of gaining weight this holiday season, I am aiming to lose 5 kilograms / 11 pounds.
My start date is 1st of December 2009 (tomorrow) and my finish date is 10th of January 2010.

What is your X-mas challenge? What are your personal goals?

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Despite not feeling the best last night, I went to Lina's birthday party. It was fun and crazy, as usual... and lots of whacko photos to show for it. Here are a few of them:

Getting ready for the party.

My gorgeous new down jacket. So warm!

Birthday child Lina and I.

Having fu-u-un!

Gotta fit some dancing in too...

...and some Karate as well! KE-I!


Woke up this morning with a clogged sinus system, sore throat, throbbing head ache, tingly and achy body. Darn it! On 1st of advent as well. I was looking forward to go and fill up on some spirituality from a vibrant, singing and praising mass.

Still, I had to get bundled up and take the mutt for a walk. Once outside, it was so peaceful. Hardly anybody out and about. The sun peaking out from behind the hill, stubborn rays trying to reach each and every dark corner of the woods. So refreshing. Welcoming sun. Finally! And on 1st of advent. What a blessing!

Enjoying the crisp morning sun

Saturday, November 28, 2009


For you girls who have been wondering about my running bra, this is what it looks like. The brand is ENELL. The best!!

Had a lovely day yesterday. Was buzzing like nobody else could! Got home from school and went out for one of my best runs ever! EUPHORIA! Felt like my legs were gonna fly off of me. Did some amazing high puls hill intervalls as well. Then home, get ready and off to a girl's night in at Anna's place. Clothes swapping night. Excellent idea. You bring the clothes you want to give away, swap with the others, whatever nobody wants, goes to charity. Love the concept. Had a really enlighting night with the girl, lots of fun and laughter mixed with deep conversations, good looking clothes, wine, beer and yummy snacks... Can't get any better.

The feast! :)

The girls!

Emma showing some of her goodies

A jacket I fell in love it!

Today I'm in the X-mas spirit and have brought down some lights from the attic to make the flat more cozy. I love the X-mas holidays. Every home become so much warmer and lit up with ornaments and lights. Tomorrow is 1st of advent as well...

Been munching on Ginger Snap cookies as well. They're addictive! Dropped the whole box on the floor though and spillt half of them out. Better that way! That way Murphy got some too instead of me chowing them all down... haha!

Friday, November 27, 2009


Our bodies are amazing! From the moment we are born our bodies start building a defensive shield to protect us against the onslaught of bacteria. Our immune system hunt down invaders in the body and eliminate them. It also protects us by developing anti-bodies and immunity to certain "nasties" preventing us having the same illness again and again.

I don't believe in pumping ourselves full of flu vaccine. What I do believe in is building healthy eating and regular exercise into our lifestyles so that it actually boosts our immune function! Healthy people are ill less often, recupperate quicker should they get ill, feel better in themselves, have more energy and are less stressed! However, when we run, especially if we've run hard, we leave a window of low immunity open for a while. This can leave us more prone to bugs and illness. That's why it's really important that us runners think about how we can minimise our risk of catching bugs – they play havoc with your running! Finishing your run and then not refuelling adequately, or going out for a run and then heading straight back into a warm, airconditioned, bacteria laden office with people coughing and spluttering, or not changing your clothes and being cold post-run, really doesn't help ward off the winter lurgy!

Here's a bunch of immune system boosting tips for the winter:

MAKE HEALTHY EATING A LIFETYLE CHOICE. A big key to a healthy immune system is to eat a healthy balanced diet. Fresh fruit and vegetables, carbohydrate, proteins and essential fatty acids all play a part in keeping our defences strong and fit for action. The key vitamins to support your immune system are zinc, iron, copper, selenium, A, B6, C and E. If you are concerned over a lack of any essential vitamins or minerals, a ‘top up' in the form of supplementation is to consider.

KEEP THE CARBS! Complex carbohydrate plays an important role in supporting the immune function (and we're not talking about white bread and pasta now!). The Atkins diet is not good for fighting the winter lurgy. Trying to loose weight quickly simply adds stress on your body. A steady weight management programme that is based on eating the right amount of the right foods at the right time, coupled with a regular, progressive and appropriate exercise routine is the way to go.

GO FOR PROTEIN! Protein and essential fatty acids are also vital for immune function. Protein is important to help your body recover and re-build your muscles after running. A lack of protein will mean that your body will not be able to repair itself adequately and you run the risk of getting over tired and run down. Great protein choices are lean cuts of meat, fish, dairy and eggs. For higher doses and other important amino acids, whey protein isolate supplemantation is to consider.

EAT THE ESSENTIALS! Essential fatty acids such as Omegas-3s in particular are good for immunity as they are an essential part of effective functioning of every cell in the body. Healthy cells mean that your body can function at its best. Omega-3s can be found in eggs, oily fish such as salmon and mackerel, and seeds or nuts such as linseeds/flaxseeds, sunflowerseeds and walnuts. A small amount of these foods should be present in your diet each day.

PROTECT WITH PROBIOTICS. Probiotics are ‘friendly bacteria'. Everyone needs these to survive. They help us to syntheses vitamins and help rid ourbodies of harmful bacteria found in the gut, such as viruses, helping stimulatethe gut immunity and enhancing our disease resistance. Probiotics can be eaten in foods such as live yoghurt, but it has been found more effective to stimulate the activity of existing healthy bacteria in the gut by eating certain foods such as bananas, asparagus, garlic, wheat, tomatoes and onions.

STAY CLEAN! Wash your hands regularly. Our hands pass over countless objects in the day that many people have touched, including money, door handles, pens, taps, hand railings, buttons on cash machines, telephones, computers, etc. The constant contact spreads virus. By washing your hands with soap and warm water for at least a minute, you will be reducing your chances of catching whatever lurks!

DON'T TOUCH! Avoid touching your face. Viruses like to get into your body through your eyes, mouth or nose.

EXERCISE. That's right. The exercises you do is great immune boosting activity. Regular physical activity makes your body stronger and better at warding off bugs and viruses.

SELF PRESERVATION! When you see someone has a cold, cough, or other symtoms of the flu - steer clear! That might be tricky when they are your husband, partner, child or the person you sit next to at work, yet you can think about strategies to minimise physical contact when they are really ill!

NIGHT NIGHT SLEEPY HEAD! When you are tired, your body just can't catch up and something has to give, and it's usually your health. Avoid constantly driving yourself into the ground. Aim to get enough sleep (7-9 hours per night) so that you feel properly rested. At least once a week, try and wake naturally and not to your alarm.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Etymology: obsolete grate pleasing, thankful, from Latin gratus — more at grace.
1 a: appreciative of benefits received. b: expressing gratitude.

Grateful is such a beautiful word. For the holidays, let's all be grateful for everything we have in our lives. Let's be grateful for the food on our tables, the love surrounding us, our own health, having a roof over our heads, having shoes on our feet, clothes on our backs, other people in our environment to share our joys with, grateful for being able to speak, see, touch, sing, cry, laugh, feel happy, feel sad. Grateful for being alive. Grateful for being me!

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len's mantra through Joe Vitale: I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.


Nothing could've dampen my spirit this morning. No rain downpour, no hurricane wind gusts, no soaking wet socks and shoes... Oh what a treat! I finally got to go out for my run early this morning! Still a bit sore in my right groin, but my extatic mood and runner's high covered upp all kinds of pain. It's amazing what exercise can do to your body. Especially hard core workouts! Releases the best pain relief, all kinds of feel good hormones, growth hormones, endorphins, etc. I've been on a high all day... Thought I'd make it to Body Pump tonight at the gym as well, but back is still sore and I rather recupperate fully than get injured again. And when I'm all better, I will UNLEASH!!! :))

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Bob Harper always says it's not about the one push-up. No it's not, but the little things we do everyday, some sort of exercise, do add up in the end. I have to remember this as my anxiety escalates because I haven't worked out for 3 days! My stomach curled up as soon as I wrote that. 3 days!!! I don't take into consideration that I take 2 long walks with Murphy every day, which I should because after all walking is some kind of exercise. However, not on the level I have been training. And after past weekend, packed with HOURS of heavy duty exercise every day during my Body Combat training, I shouldn't really be stressing about 3 days, but that's just the way I work. I don't want to lose all my hard work, all the early hours, all that sweat and huge investment I've put into my physic and body... Yeah, I think it's fair for me to feel this way. I have a minor injury as well, which is a pulled groin muscle. Hopefully, it should be healed soon so that I can start up running again and practicing my Combat choreography for real. Hopefully tomorrow? :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


It’s ironic that during a time when we should be celebrating the blessings in our lives, we are most prone to depression and dysfunction. The holidays bring out our co-dependency in spades: doing, buying, being for everyone except ourselves. And the symptoms of this behavior are obvious: Eating becomes gluttonous. Family issues become magnified. The gym becomes a distant memory. Stress levels go through the roof, and so on.

So I ask you… Are the standard tips about white meat instead of dark meat, or going for a walk before your Thanksgiving or Christmas meal the answers to these problems? Isn’t it obvious that if you consume healthy foods in moderation and move your body more you won’t gain weight? And since it is that simple, the real question becomes, Why aren’t people doing it? The solution isn’t reiterating self-evident information, but rather discussing ways of remedying the problem's origin – lack of self-worth.

This issue is a major one and not something we can fix overnight, but by taking small steps like redefining our holiday experience we are moving in the right direction. Let’s start by shifting our thinking, behavior, and overall attitude to one of self-preservation instead of self-sacrifice so we are heading into 2010, and subsequently, many new years to come, with our bodies healthy, hearts happy, and minds centered.

Every day this season I want you to wake up and think about how the actions you take throughout your day will make you a happier healthier person. If holiday parties create temptation for you, avoid them. Find a healthier way to celebrate with your friends like a night on the town dancing. If stressful family reunions throw you off track, set boundaries and stay away. Take a healthy vacation with close friends instead. If the memories of holiday seasons past cause you to feel lonely, channel those feelings constructively instead of destructively. Take them as a sign that it’s time to form new connections. Join a club, support group, or online community where you meet new people and make new friends. If buying presents for everyone and their mother crushes you financially and puts you behind the eight ball, offer the ongoing gift of your love and friendship instead.

These things might seem impossible at first. You might be plagued with concerns about what people will think. Will they be angry or disappointed with you? Stop talking to you and so on? Honestly, who cares? If someone doesn’t love or appreciate you for putting yourself first they have done you a favor and identified themselves as someone you don’t need in your life.

So stop wasting time and start putting your health first, physically and emotionally. Make the holidays a time of inspiration and possibility, one empowered step at a time. And remember, taking care of yourself is a gift to everyone else because everyone ends up having a happier and healthier holiday. By Jillian Michaels


This theme has been coming back at me repeatedly these last few days, in all kinds of forms. During my Body Combat training days, while flicking through the telly quickly and ending up on some low budget channel hearing Prem Rawat speaking, while listening to an audiobook by Jack Cornfield... I think the Universe is trying to tell me something...

Have you heard the saying "Practice makes perfect"?
What do we practice in life? Do we practice being miserable or unkind? Do we practice whining and complaining? Do we practice being angry and nasty to others? What do we really practice in life? Because what we practice, we become good at. True?! If we practice being happy, humble and kind to others, don't we become better at it every day? If we practice become giving, open and sharing, isn't that something we become good at? A lot of people have adapted the Secret and Law of Attraction and think happiness and success will just happen. Yes it will, if you practice it. If you put actions to your good feelings and thoughts.

Mahatma Gandhi used to say that we should be the change we want to see in the world...
Listen to this snippet of Prem Rawat talking about practice. Hope you have a great day!

Monday, November 23, 2009


Can really recommend these two teas from Yogi Tea, Choco Aztec Spice and Classic Cinnamon Spice. They are organic and smell divine as well as taste lovely! A perfect relaxing end to the day.


The day after the hardest 3 days of training I've ever done and I'm surprisingly feeling fine. Ok... this morning it took me about 2 hours to get up as I had to peel myself out of bed instead of the less appealing option of rolling onto the floor. My muscles had no comprehension of what the brain was telling them because they had no strength whatsoever. And although I am in desperate need of a massage because of the repeated beatings, I would do it all over again tomorrow. Demented I might be, but I DID love every second of the experience.

Next thing on the agenda is Krav Maga this coming weekend. I hope my muscles have healed until then. Krav Maga is the official self defense system of the Israeli Defense Forces. For you who want to come with, let me know. It would be great fun to have a couple of chicks go and raise some trouble for the instructors. Haha! But mainly, be able to raise hell should someone evil-minded try anything on with you.

Now, I'm gonna watch Biggest Loser and finish up all the chocolate, candy, sweets, etc. in the house as I'm back to my regular diet tomorrow. When you train 5 hours a day it's ok to eat like a big, burly army man, but I'm back to reality... sitting on my buttocks most of the time... and squeezing in some running and other workouts during the day. Hoping I can do a Body Pump class tomorrow night and a run tomorrow morning. We'll see...
But for now... Mmmmm Marabou! =P

Krav Maga in action

Sunday, November 22, 2009


The Body Combat training team

3 days of brutal beatings in the Body Combat training has finally come to an end... Really I shouldn't say finally coz it's with a bit of nostalgia I parted from this event and will actually miss the pushing to the limit, the screaming, the hard training both physically and mentally, the camraderie, the learning... Yeah, I will miss it! Although I am so sore it does feel like a cement roller has mangled me! However, I won't miss all the sweaty clothes and changing 5 times a day. :)

So, I am officially now an approved Body Combat instructor. I am psyched! Am thrilled the Group Training Manager saw this side of me and suggested BC as a good class for me to get training in and licenced. In a couple of weeks there's a full weekend of Body Pump training, and with the same trainer... I know what I have in store. She's tough!

We did this fun exercise where we had a piece of note paper taped onto our own backs, and others had to write a strength they felt you had. A few examples from my note others had written were:
  • Very energetic
  • Positive
  • Inspiring
  • So fucking funny!
  • A tough braud in a fighter package
  • Happy
  • Training Freak
  • Good at motivating
  • Spreads joy
  • Good leader

Felt such a rush of warmth going through me when reading all of these strengths. My strengths. Nobody elses. Something to remember on bad days!

Now, I think I'm gonna lie down on my Shakti Mat and relax. Rest those sore muscles. Thinking of going for a run tomorrow, but also think that it would probably be a good thing for me to rest at least ONE day. Haha! ........Nite, nite.

Our Body Combat trainer Pernilla Blomquist

One of the many exercises during the day

Friday, November 20, 2009


Here's the tease for the BodyCombat 42 release by Rachel, one of the programme directors at Les Mills. Track 2 that she talks about is my homework for tomorrow. Yeehaw! Check it out...

By the way, the blond girl on stage with Rachel at the end of this video is my instructor for this Body Combat training weekend. Her name is Pernilla Blomquist. Awesome! Tiny, but with a BIG personality... And she kicks ass!


Hoooooly Mooooly... what a day! Day 1 out of 3 of my Body Combat training weekend is finito! And my whole body is definitely aware of all the muscles that have been beaten, beaten, and beaten once again. But it was great fun!!! And I really love the intensity in the new release 42 that's coming out soon. I got homework tomorrow. To learn and instruct song number 2, which is a Karate and Tae Kwon Do routine. Love it!!!

Found a liked spirit person as well at the training boot camp. How could I miss him when he had a big ass tattoo on his forearm with the beautiful crest of Liverpool. Go on da bhoys!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


 If you're looking to shed stubborn pounds, the rule of the game is to increase the intensity of your workouts. I want you to be working out at 85 percent of your maximum heart rate (MHR). However, you may have heard the "fat-burning zone" theory that encourages you to work out at just 70 to 75 percent of your MHR. The outdated assumption is that your body is drawing predominately on fat calories for energy — WRONG! It's completely misleading and it's time to lay the "fat-burning zone" myth to rest.

During physical training, your body has three possible sources of energy: carbs, fat, and protein. Protein is a last resort — of the three energy sources, your body is the most reluctant to draw on your protein stores.

Whether your body takes energy from glucose, which it gets from the breakdown of carbs, or fat depends on the intensity of your workout. Training at a high level of intensity forces your body to draw on carb calories for energy — they are a more efficient source of energy, and your body goes for its premium fuel when you're working hard. If you are training at a low level of intensity, your body doesn't need to be as efficient, so it will draw on a higher percentage of fat calories for fuel.

Sounds like low-intensity training would be more effective when it comes to losing fat, right? Wrong. These physiological facts are the ones that spawned the mistaken belief that low-intensity activity is better than high-intensity activity when it comes to burning fat and losing weight. These days we know that even though the ratio of fat-to-carb calories might be higher during low-intensity exercise, fewer calories are used up overall. High-intensity exercise burns the biggest number of calories, both during and long after your workout.

From Losing It! with Jillian Michaels


Anything... yes, I am doing ANYTHING else so I don't have to do my homework...
First a nice walk and play with Murphy... and now, cooking up a storm so I don't have to touch the stove this weekend.


Tomorrow is the big day! 1st out of 3 days of gruelling, mind-blowing, sweaty, heart pumping, crazy, intense Body Combat training. I am a bit scared actually. What if I'm not as fit as I think I am? There's going to be constant beating and repetition of routines and I just pray to God I won't collapse or anything embarrassing like that. I think I will be fine, but that little niggling doubt always pops up now and again.

Getting ready for these 3 days, I feel really excited as well. I love training and I love the philosophy around martial arts. There's something mystical and ancient about it. Respect. Honour. Pride. etc. I think it's going to be an awesome, but long weekend. Hope I'll be able to walk on Monday... :)

Here's a video made by an instructor to show his dedication to Body Combat... It's pretty good! Makes me want tomorrow to roll in right away. Wish me luck!!

But first, homework assignment... =P

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Most of my friends have noticed that I have a love for "useless" information. I love little facts about nothing really important to others, but for me, it's just sooo exciting. So, I was thinking of doing a Did You Know series, where I will share some of my "useless" facts I encounter in my life. That way you can be just as excited as meee... Yay! :)

Did you know...
...Omega-3 , also known as Polyunsaturated fatty acids, are fats that lower your LDL (bad cholesterol).
...Omega-3 fatty acids are extremely beneficial and have been shown to reduce inflammation, heart disease, risk of heart attack and help relieve other conditions, such as diabetes.
...Best source of Omega-3 is from fish oil supplements, however other great sources are anchovies, mackerel, ocean caught salmon (not farm raised!), flaxseeds (in moderation because of toxicity once ingested in the body) and walnuts.
...Surprising sources of Omega-3 are cabbage, cauliflower, steamed broccoli and oregano!!!


Woke up this morning and knew straight away it was wet outside. Blaaah! Oh well, there's no bad weather, only bad clothes to dress for the weather. ;)) Got my rain gear on and off we went. Had a really good walk (could've gone forever actually!) but it's amazing how much less I burn when I walk briskly instead of running. My body need these days though to repair the muscles to be even stronger for next gruelling session!

Today I have Design and Economy. Whoo-pee-doo!
Have a great day y'all!
 Getting ready for the walk

 Back from the walk

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


It's amazing what a little bit of soul food does for your well-being. I am like night and day! There is something looming in the background, but so what. I have faith in a higher power that always looks out for me... Why wouldn't it this time?!

Have been listening a lot to Dr. Wayne Dyer and his audiobook Being in Balance. It's really simple stuff we just don't think about when crisis hit, but now I feel calm as a meditating buddhist.

I'm going to start reading A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. A lot of people have said it has changed their whole life perspectives. I will let you know what I think of it. Will be interesting...

But today was another great workout day. A run this morning, then brisk walk with Murphy in the afternoon, then walk to the gym where I joined a 60 minute Body Pump class and then as the cherry on top, a nice jog home. I feel great!

Monday, November 16, 2009



"Sometimes when you are in the midst of a situation, you struggle to find any positive aspects within it, we know that. Some things are intolerable, some things are so big and so bad that it does not seem possible for you to find any positive within it. But that is because most of you are trying to decide what action to take that would correct it, and sometimes you are in a situation where there isn't any action that seems appropriate, you feel pretty much in a corner. What we're wanting you to always remember, is that while there may not be a positive aspect to your action in this moment, while you may not be able to figure out what to DO that would make you feel better, you ALWAYS can figure out how it is you want to FEEL."

- Abraham-Hicks -

Ok, I've had some time to think now and really evaluate my situation, and I am rebounding already. I know I am a strong woman. I know I put too much pressure on myself. I know I want so much without sometimes stopping to think if it's even possible for me to fit it in. But I want it, my head says... :)) And I have learnt from my journey in life, that when I TRULY want something, I can have it.

Well, lately I have been so focused on my exterior, because of the fact that I want to look ripped. Not just good, but great. Not something you can achieve over night. I am going into a profession where you are judged... looked at and judged straight away. And some people would not even think about putting themselves into that scenario. However, it has been one of my dreams for quite some time, to continue motivating and encouraging people in their own fight for fitness. That puts immense pressures on me... or rather, I put immense pressure on myself. To be perfect, when nobody is perfect... and besides perfect is boring... Scarring represent you have been through something, and survived. That's how strength is built.

Somewhere along the line, I have forgotten about my interior, my feelings, my spirit, my inner light. And trivial "little things" that I can usually handle with my positive energy and ability to see good things, just became too much. This because of the fact that I have forgotten to keep on building my interior as well as my exterior. There has to be a balance between body and soul.

So, instead of forcing the issue of the actual problem, small or big as it may be, I will take another path and concentrate more on the stronger side of me, the side I have forgotten about in my quest to build a strong body.

I feel so much better. And I know I could. I just ALLOWED myself to get sucked down into the depth of despair instead of doing what I usually do... think positively, have FAITH, and feel happy and grateful for the things I do have in my life, especially the beautiful, true friends that always walk beside me in my life, who make me think differently, re-evaluate, who cheer me up... through thick and thin, for better or for worse. Thank you. I love you!


Today is a new day... Clean slate right. Woke up with a fever and an achy body. Sick to my stomach. Swollen cold sore. No surprise there. My body is stressing. My mind is stressing. Perfect opportunity for the virus to bloom.

I feel like my chest is caving in. I feel surrounded. Haunted. I feel like I'm drowning... How do I make these feelings go away?

Sunday, November 15, 2009


"I only allow that which is good into my life. No one can depress you. No one can make you anxious. No one can hurt your feelings.
No one can make you anything other than what you allow."
- Dr. Wayne Dyer

This is true, unless that no one is myself...
Have had a very emotional day. Mood up and down. Life up and down. Same ghost coming to haunt me over and over again. I am so fed up with feeling bad about it. Everytime it enters my mind. Fed up with mentioning it and rolling my eyes, like it's a recurring thing happening... which sadly it is. I don't understand why. It seems to only hit me. Or is it because others don't talk about it? Is it a class issue? Is it low to talk about it? I shouldn't feed it energy, and usually I don't, but today it got to me... it got under my skin and curled up inside of me like a tumour, growing, spreading poison... Poisoned my mind.

It's hard to breath. My eyes are burning. I'm feeling numb. I'm feeling lonely. Alone. Only thing keeping me up is that tomorrow will be a better day. My slate will be wiped clean and when I step outside in the chilly air for my early run tomorrow morning, I will feel alive again. Feel fortunate. Feel grateful. Feel free. Feel happy to be me!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Fear is like an auto immune disease. Your own beliefs attack your faith and fear eats your confidence.

Living life is scary, it’s like a video game but you have no “game over” and start over time after time after time. No, all you have is this one chance. One.

We live in fear. Fear of losing our jobs, losing our families, losing our friends, our health, our purpose in life.

And you wake up some days in panic. Life is going by and what do you do? What have you done so far? And how long will you be here? You’re scared. Scared to forget to live until it one day comes to an end.

An easy way to live life is to be miserable, to be sad, to be disappointed, hopeless without any goals or directions. It means you cannot disappoint yourself, don’t get your hopes up. But it means you will gain nothing but a deep dark emptiness in your soul. You stop believing you will succeed, you invite the feeling of having no place in this world, no purpose.

You get hurt, you get betrayed, stabbed in the back, cheated on, let down, lied to. But it does not make you less strong. It does not turn you into a being with a blank passive mind waiting for that “train of happiness” that will just make you all joyous and merry. Those trains never come, you need to pull your own wagon and sometimes it will be uphills and you have nobody to ask for help. It will be about you and your desire to be happy.

Being happy is a skill. It is a form of art. You don’t inherit it, you learn it.

The hardest thing in life is to keep reaching forward, climbing higher, demanding more of yourself than that of other people, lead by example forgive let go and practice what you preach.

Taken from Pauline Nordin's blog Fighter Diet


I am a sooore mama! My body has finally packed in and refuses to barely move. My legs are like lead. Everything goes in slow motion. Was thinking about canceling the 75 min session of boxing today, but I thought to myself, I am no sissy... Once I start moving, I'll be fine, my muscles will be fine. Which they were, but NOW... they're frcuked! I think I will take a rest day tomorrow. Of course, walks with Murphy is always on the schedule, but that's it for tomorrow.

Friday, November 13, 2009


What a great fricking, kick-ass workout I just had!!! I feel so invincible it's crazy. I don't know if it has anything to do with the Fat Burner I took before jogging off to the gym, but something kicked in while I was at the gym and I completely rocked it! I was supposed to do one of the workouts from Jillian Michaels "Making the Cut" but actually got a bit intimidated by the NEW:ness of the gym, not knowing where all the equipment was, etc. So I did my own functional training set-up from what I've learnt through the years of studying this type of exercise. WOW! It was fricking GREAT!

I did exercises such as triceps push-downs in circuits with wider squats, triceps one-arm pull-back with alternating lunges, triceps kick-back with sumo squats, shoulder presses with regular squats. Then I banged out some front and medial lats raises in circuit with deadlifts and back pulls with gluteas presses. The abs got a bit of a beating as well with different forms of static as well as motion plank. To finish it off, I went down to the cardio section and thought I'd just have a nice easy jog for a few minutes just to try out the treadmills. But I went mental instead and did mad fast sprints on the treadmill for a total of 15 minutes and jacked my heart rate up to 187bpm at one point.

Had the yummiest protein shake when I got home, with low-fat organic yoghurt, banana and lemon. Delish! But how on earth am I going to be able to walk tomorrow. I'm still sore from Wednesdays workout. Even more so, how the heck am I going to survive 75 minute of boxing tomorrow morning??!!!

Now listen to this... Total burn today is.............. 1258 calories!!! I've been goooouuud! Haha! :))


Got back a while ago from our "morning" walk. It's a bit chilly out there alright. And now, it's SNOWING outside! Winter is marching in with heavy boots. Murphy and I had a really nice walk around the lake again. Not too many people out, which is always nice when you want to let your dog run free in the woods. As usual, Murphy always gets well excited when we get to the spot by the lake where he had his first dip at the age of 8 weeks old. He loves that spot for some reason! And then, he went mad and plunged in for a full body swim. CRAZY DOG! There was ice on the water. Silly pooch! Thankfully he's got that thick, water repellent fur so he should be fine.

Came home again after a 1 hour and 40 minute walk outside, and made a massive, yummy protein porridge. Now, I'm just gonna wait forit to digest and then I'm off to the gym for some fun functional training taken from Jillian Michaels book "Making The Cut". I highly recommend it if you need to lose those last 5kg/10-15 pounds that the body loves to hold onto. But if you have more like 10kg/20+ pounds to lose, read Jillian's first book "Winning By Losing". Awesome, eye-opening information for you who don't know how to get started.

Now, a lovely cup of tea... and some homework??? Nah, I'm gonna finish watching episode 8 from season 8 of Biggest Loser... while the snow flakes are growing bigger and bigger outside... THEN some homework. :)
After this picture was taken, Murphy jumped in the water and took a little swim. CWWWAZY DAUUG!