Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Last night, I just had enough. I felt so much energy and motivation for my fitness and health that I would take no "NO" for an answer from my body. I know that a thought can conquer everything if you put you mind to it. As the saying goes: Mind over matter! It's true, and I know it. But after being sick for a week and realising the only thing I want is health, it just drove me to push myself that extra inch and something just switched in me. My mind had taken over.

Although I hardly got any sleep last night, because of horrible fits of coughing, I sprung out of be at 5:45am when the alarm rang with Cassie Davies singing Do It Again, threw my running clothes on, downed a protein shake with some caffeine and off I went with Murphy trotting along beside me. No music, no sounds to distract me. And yes, it was hard, but I didn't give up. The feeling afterward was priceless. My face was beaming all day long! I had conquered my body. And I conquered it again instructing my Zumba class tonight. Spiritual energy with a strong mind and some god-damn-it! Awesome recipe for today.

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