Monday, July 12, 2010


Personal training is the stuff to be doing if you love fitness as much as I do. But what about myself? It's so easy to take care of others when you have a caretaker personality, and in that spin it's easy to forget about yourself because you live vicariously through others and fulfilling their dreams while yours is put on the shelf.

It's almost gone a week since the first training session with my "victim" and I think it's going really good. When exercising hard, don't be surprised if you get overwhlemed with emotions of all sorts, as hardcore pushing yourself to your limits triggers all kind of mechanisms in your body and can also trigger emotions you didnt know you had. Just go with it, dust yourself off and up you go again.

I'm entering a new phase again. I feel like a snake that sheds its skin during the year. It feels good. Feels uncertain. And it feels a bit scary. But if you never go out of your comfort zone, then how the heck are you suppose to grow and develop new sides of yourself. I say go for change! Go for doing something you never do. I say break free from your own personal chains. In true Wallace spirit: FREEDOM! haha :)

Nite nite. Peace out.

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