Sunday, April 4, 2010


And so the Easter celebrations are wearing off and the body is still rumbling for more food and maybe even alcohol. Pudgy. Bloated. Tired. Sore. What to do about it? Well, beside acknowledging that you had a good time and that sometimes your body needs rest from the gym and meticulous diet in order to become even stronger... the next step is to simply bounce back. Get back on track. Start planning your meals strictly again and workout more vigorously than before, just to snap you back to reality. Balance yourself. Throw away the anxiety, the guilt... and tell the cravings to go away. After all, there is no danger with feeling a bit hungry if you know you just ate a couple of hours ago. The body is clever and the mind sometimes a bit foolish. Jug a pint of water and you should be fine. Often it's more thirst than hunger.

Down to the wire now... more mental than physical. Remember, you're the one in control. Happy Easter!

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