Tuesday, January 12, 2010


And so the big day arrived! My instructor solo debut day, where I would be all exposed and alone up on that stage, leading a class, instructing them closer to fitness... and feel that adrenaline rushing through my body. All on my own, without a safety net. And it was awesome! Yeah, maybe I didn't nail every single second of my Body Pump lunch class, but I didn't panic and simple moved on. And maybe I didn't hit every single beat in my Zumba class, but I just kept going and improvised instead. From what I saw and heard, people had a good time. Especially during the Zumba class. What a hoot! Lots of hip shaking and butt pumping... and wide, happy smiles! Packed class as well. Yep, it was great fun! For you who haven't tried it yet, find your nearest gym or health club and join the Zumba party. I can promise you, you won't regret it.

I will be sleeping well tonight... knowing I love motivation and inspiring others... knowing I love my job... knowing that not too long ago I dreamt about this, and now it's here.

"If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it." Dare to dream and your dream might come true!

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