Thursday, January 7, 2010


Me, American Style!

Why am I constantly hungry? Lately, I've been ravenous, and yet, once I eat, I fill up really quickly. So it feels like I'm doing a constant cycle of hungry, full... hungry... full... It's really annoying! On the other hand, I have been training hard this week, so it could definitely be that messing with my body and hormones.

Really looking forward to my Body Combat class tonight. I'm gonna kick some ass! Haha. Calves are sore from yesterday's 2 hour Zumba session, and abs are screaming as well. Well, I'm sure Kettlebells and Functional Training from previous workout has something to do it with it too.

Somebody asked me not too long ago if I REALLY love working out. After a short thought process, I could truthfully say with a big smile: "Yes, I REALLY do love working out..." and that's why I have become an instructor. Hopefully, I can spread my training joy to others.

If you can't make it tonight to the gym, because the class might be full anyway... I'm teaming with E. during a Body Pump class on Saturday morning 10:30 at Life Centrum. Come on down. It's Open House and FREE!


Santa said...

My local are starting Zumba classes and, thanks to you and your Zumba enthusiasm ;-) I was so pleased and couldn't wait to get there, until it turned out they're only holding them at times when I have to work. Now I'm trying hard to persuade them to hold a class on Saturdays.

Jax said...

Yeah, the Zumba classes are so much fun! I'm starting them for real on Tuesday. Yaaay!
Keep trying to persuade your local gym for the Saturday classes so you can join them for the fun. Good Luck!