Tuesday, November 17, 2009


It's amazing what a little bit of soul food does for your well-being. I am like night and day! There is something looming in the background, but so what. I have faith in a higher power that always looks out for me... Why wouldn't it this time?!

Have been listening a lot to Dr. Wayne Dyer and his audiobook Being in Balance. It's really simple stuff we just don't think about when crisis hit, but now I feel calm as a meditating buddhist.

I'm going to start reading A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. A lot of people have said it has changed their whole life perspectives. I will let you know what I think of it. Will be interesting...

But today was another great workout day. A run this morning, then brisk walk with Murphy in the afternoon, then walk to the gym where I joined a 60 minute Body Pump class and then as the cherry on top, a nice jog home. I feel great!

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